Starting the research process can be daunting, but THS has access to thousands of
documents that can help you with your assignments. If you ever need assistance
along the way, ask your teacher, Ms. Fontaine, or visit the Purdue Owl Website.
What kind of information are you looking for?
There are two types of sources: Primary and Secondary.
Primary sources are:
Original records created at the time historical events occurred or
sometimes after events have occurred in the form of memoirs or oral histories.
Ex: The Diary of Anne Frank-Experiences of a Jewish Family During WWII.
Original artwork, diaries, video recordings, minutes of meetings, speeches, interviews,
memoirs and autobiographies are all types of Primary Sources.
Secondary sources are:
A fiction or nonfiction book, an anthology of poetry, documentary using clips from
various sources on an event, critique, analysis of speeches or interviews and reports
analyzing data are examples of Secondary Resources.
SIRS this database provides information about current issues and different viewpoints.
To access from home or outside THS, you'll need the following login information:
Username: 174168
PW: your zipcode
ResearchITCT is available to anyone with a Connecticut library card.
You can access it from any computer at THS or in the world with your library
card number. From there, you can search through dozens of databases
like Academic Search Premier, Newspaper Source Plus and EBSCOhost.
Teen Health and Wellness this database is an excellent resource for teens.
You may find it useful for assignments related to classes or just a great
place to have some questions answered. Like SIRS, you'll need login information
in order to access it from outside of THS.
Username: tollandhs
PW: health
Library of Congress is a vast collection of primary resources. There are
thousands upon thousands of scanned documents included newspaper articles,
photographs, maps and more.
Just in case you were thinking Wikipedia would be a good resource,
here's a glimpse of their disclaimer: